My Golden Boy

My Golden Boy


Matthews First Picture

Born June 8th, 1985

Matthew is my first born son. He is now fifteen years old. This page is a tribute page for him, since we are thousands of miles apart. You will see pictures of Matthew as he is growing up.

Matthew and I

Mathew in my arms at a few weeks old

Matthew as a toddler

He was always smiling

Matthew loves Ice Cream

Looking Sweet

Already In School

Matt Loves His Sports

A big Toronto Maple Leaf fan

Matthew is a person who has a wonderful heart. He would give you the last of his money if someone needed it. He is my golden boy, and I am so very proud of him. Unfortunately I haven't received any recent pictures of him, but as soon as I do I'll add them to this site.

Matthew my son, I love you with all my heart!

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